easyMarketing is born
  • 01
  • Feb

easyMarketing is born

easyMarketing enter UK market

The concept of great value air travel is nothing new these days and some might think could not be further away from the easyGroups latest organisation easyMarketing.  

Lets consider this though, high level big agency marketign access has for some time now been the luxury of the big boys and girls, with SME's and other entreprises just not beleiving they can afford to access these channels or feeling uncomfortable and out of their depth with the 'marketing speak' that is often used and can make a client feel like they are in a world of smoke and mirrors.

Co founder and Director Nathan Siekierski says that is exactly why he and his partners started easyMarketing. 'for decades myself and my business associates had used agencies and service that to be honest didnt seem to fit who we were and what we needed, which was straight talking honest and realistic options that were entirely focus on ahcieving our goals'